Human-caused climate change is one of the biggest threats for coming decades. Urgent solutions & actions are needed to reduce GHGs. Reducing GHG emissions means balancing the release of GHGs into the atmosphere with their capture & storage. There are two basic components to GHG reduction: reducing GHGs emissions and expanding their ‘sinks’. Along this line, conventional & unconventional mitigation technologies are given basically to represent there are wide range of strategies to reduce GHG emissions. However, sustainable & effective mechanisms are still needed. Then, how biotechnology provides practical and novel climate change solutions in reducing GHGs are explained in general to establish a fundamental to other LOs. Basics of new and innovative biotechnological applications and methods for the reduction of GHGs are discussed under ‘sustainable biomass feedstock and lower carbon products’, ‘GHG emission reduction by biobased products’ and ‘biotechnological production and use of synthetic and systems biology’ subheadings.
Authors & affiliations
Educational goals
To remind conventional and unconventional mitigation technologies;
To discuss the need for new and innovative biotechnological applications for CC mitigation;
To explain the basics/principles of biotechnological applications and methods used for GHGs reduction;
To establish an introductory basement/ground for other LO;
To support the educational concept and content with ppts, videos, and project work materials.
Key words/phrases
Conventional mitigaiton measures; unconventional mitigation measures; lower C products; biobased C products; synthetic and system biology.