Impact at regional / national level

In short term, the BIO-Save interactive educational platform aims to:

  • Increase the users’ chance for training.
  • Encourage the sustainability of the project results.
  • Stimulate the national and regional economy.
  • Enlarge the framework of business-related training based on ECTS/EQF/HE, Learning Outcomes and their integration in the national and regional academic bodies.
  • Provide preferences for the use of new multidiscipline study programmes.
  • Implement the definitions of new professional technological, contextual and traversal skills.

In the long term, the BIO-Save project:

  • Supports the promotion of the organisation’s capacity to network with higher education institutions at national level.
  • Improves the training opportunities for the SMEs.
  • Increases the awareness for higher education in industrial companies, organisations and groups.
  • Urges the stakeholders to seek funding for educational purposes in order to raise SMEs’ interest in biotech.
  • Promoting digital technologies in education to transform the delivery of education and the role of the direct programme users in individualized learning environments.

Impact at European level

In short term, the BIO-Save project aims to:

  • Develop effective tools for open and innovative higher education through the use of ICT in agreement with the EU Agenda.
  • Highlight the quality of the education.
  • Organise diverse initiatives (seminars, evaluation events, workshops, etc.).

In the long term, the BIO-Save educational outputs:

  • Influence the training capacity within the European Union.
  • Support the partners’ ability to transfer technological information to the biotech SMEs in the European Union.
  • Improve the connection between higher education institutions in order to set the ECTS system and EQF.
  • Assist in keeping the pace of the European knowledge-based economy and promoting the recognition of the reform in the European Higher Education Area at national and European level.
  • Promote the development of competency profile that will help the educational organizations and administrative authorities for assembling training programmes.
  • Encourage the use of this competency profile as guidelines for the ‘trainers of academics/practitioners’ to assist them in gaining expertise to efficiently educate future tutors/trainers and making them up-to-date of emerging technologies tackling artificial intelligence, robotics, and Internet of Things.

Impact on International level

In short term, BIO-Save aims to:

  • Unify the background, knowledge and innovative trends in the European Higher Education Area policy.
  • Guarantee the probated mechanisms for creation of qualification framework through: use of tools for validation and recognition of the BIO-Save learning; application of the ECTS system in higher education; introduction of EUROPASS documents that record an individual’s qualifications, credits and learning outcomes.

In the long term, BIO-Save project introduces:

  • Instruments intended to boost the ongoing trans-European process for smooth transition from education to business and/or progression to further education.
  • Up-to-date ICT based modes of training in higher education to assist the career of the biotech professionals and the upgrade of their competence at international scale.
  • Networking to widely spread the European Higher Education Area initiatives and procedures in the non-EU countries.


After the end of the project, the BIO-Save Consortium plans various measures to maintain the BIO-Save project programme through:

  • Building capacity to foster project accessibility including: developing new learning activities to meet the students and industry demands in project national and regional area; increasing the number of professional staff; supporting study courses on modern biotechnology for climate protection.
  • Incorporating (parts of) the BIO-Save programme in ongoing organisational or community activities.
  • Collaboration – sharing the BIO-Save model within the partner institutions or associated participants to maintain its long-term use.
  • Upgrade of resources to ensure their long-term exploitation – to empower the staff members to find needed resources and to assemble a team to identify public and private target resources.
  • Involvement of new associated players from different sectors and branches.
  • Search for sponsors of further BIO-Save activities – private and/or public, regional, national and European, to keep active and feasible the LO-based modes for training;
  • Encouragement of the local and regional higher education institutions to use the BIO-Save programme.
  • Establishment of joint actions with other EU programmes to encourage the prospects for the use of the BIO-Save deliverables.


The BIO-Save e-platform will operate after the end of the project – to bring innovations, news and educational and career information; to offer training materials and opportunities to beneficiaries looking for specialised training in biotech approaches for climate mitigation.

Dissemination and exploitation activities will continue with ongoing presentation and distribution of information and materials about the BIO-Save learning model and outcomes.

The Units of Learning Outcomes and modules will be introduced into the formal programmes of the educational organisations that participate in the project.

The BIO-Save programme will be supported by the management of the higher educational institutions by offering educational paths on demand to business practitioners through competence-based blended modes of learning.